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My journey on the WUC Equine Academy, PHPP

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. My journey on the WUC Equine Academy, PHPP serves as a vessel to project my passions for riding, working towards my goals and always working hard in order to achieve my best.

Home: Welcome

The summer of 23!

Hello everyone, Hope you are all well, I certainly am. So far I have got a new job working at a local pub for the duration of summer when...

The End of 2nd Year!

Wow hasn’t time flown by quickly this year. I cannot believe I have finished the second year of my degree and also another year on the...

Settling into Semester A

Hello again, It has been a very fun and busy semester A for my second year of the integrated master’s in veterinary physiotherapy. I have...

Start of year 2!

Wow, September and October have been super busy but fun so far. I moved into my shared university rental house with 6 of my friends which...

My Delightful Summer So Far!

Summer update After finishing off a great first year at university I headed home where I have been lucky enough to ride a friend’s horse...

Start of summer holidays!

And just like that the first academic year is over, it's gone so fast it's crazy. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at both university...

Easter Break!

Hiya, I have been at home enjoying the glorious sunshine during the break and been working hard revising for my exams and uploading my...

Recent life update!

A life update, I’ve had a great start to the first half of semester B, I’ve been very busy with university work having interesting...

My Introduction

Hi, I am Megan and I am on my first year of the Integrated Master’s in Veterinary Physiotherapy. I am very grateful and excited to be on...

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Thanks for your interest in My journey on the WUC Equine Academy, PHPP. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon! or follow @wucequineacademy to see what we all get up to.

Writtle University

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