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Settling into Semester A

Hello again,

It has been a very fun and busy semester A for my second year of the integrated master’s in veterinary physiotherapy. I have been learning lots and really getting deeper with my anatomy, understanding both the horses and dogs’ movement even better.

More exciting news is that I have taken on Echo, as well as Pippa carrying on her great work with her. Echo is a 6-year-old awesome little mare, I am going to be helping with building her schooling and skill base. I’m really looking forward to getting cracking with her and see what we can improve on.

Echo enjoying a pre-ride warm up!

I’m still riding Hugo and Charlie, I have been really enjoying getting to know them both and building my skills. I feel I’m becoming a much more balanced and versatile rider and having so much fun.

Hugo taking a quick nap!

Hugo flying in our jumping lessons with Micheal Pavaley

My university course is going very well, I’ve submitted my first assignment and have two more due in soon. Also, I have some exams coming up in a couple weeks which I’m revising hard for and I’m looking forward to getting the results to see if my hard work is paying off.

Clover jumping in our exercise physiology practical, measuring heart rates.

Christmas is coming which I’m extremely excited for, the decorations and festive times really raises spirits. I cannot wait to get home and see my family.

Pretty Clover modelling in the sun!

That’s all for now, I look forward to updating you all soon.

Thankyou as always and check out the academy Instagram @wucequineacademy xx

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